Nari 458M
まうみゃう!下北沢カレーフェスティバル期間中に行きました。タコスとかすべて美味かったよ! (Translated by Google) I went there during the Shimokitazawa Curry Festival. All the tacos were delicious!下北沢カレーフェスティバル期間中に行きました。タコスとかすべて美味かったよ!
(Translated by Google)
I went there during the Shimokitazawa Curry Festival. All the tacos were delicious! -
みるきーうぇぃお肉もワインもお洒落なお店もサービスも素敵です! ランチも凝っていて美味しいです✨ (Translated by Google) The meat, wine, stylish shop, and service are wonderful! Lunch is also elaborate and delicio...お肉もワインもお洒落なお店もサービスも素敵です!
(Translated by Google)
The meat, wine, stylish shop, and service are wonderful!
Lunch is also elaborate and delicious ✨ -
y kランチ利用。可もなく不可もない感じ。夜行ったらまた違うのかもしれないです。 (Translated by Google) Used for lunch. It feels neither good nor bad. It might be different if you go at night.ランチ利用。可もなく不可もない感じ。夜行ったらまた違うのかもしれないです。
(Translated by Google)
Used for lunch. It feels neither good nor bad. It might be different if you go at night. -
いそ蛙遂にお邪魔しました!ランチにいってまいりました!雰囲気最高 料理も美味い!ありがとうございます。スタッフの方々対応もよく言う事無しです。また食べに行きます。 (Translated by Google) I finally bothere...遂にお邪魔しました!ランチにいってまいりました!雰囲気最高
(Translated by Google)
I finally bothered you! I went to lunch! Great atmosphere
The food is also delicious! thank you. I can't say enough good things about the staff's response. I will eat there again. -
Keisuke Watanabe
Kai Khalil-MiddlebrookButcher’s Bar specializes in steak and pasta, with craft beer and wine as well. I can only speak to the pasta and beer. It was very basic. No notable flavor profile, just spaghetti noodles with gro...Butcher’s Bar specializes in steak and pasta, with craft beer and wine as well. I can only speak to the pasta and beer. It was very basic. No notable flavor profile, just spaghetti noodles with ground beef salt and pepper 🥲. Beer was similarly basic. Maybe I should’ve ordered the steak. For Tokyo, this place is expensive for a basic restaurant (about $15 for my meal). It is likely higher priced due to being in a popular tourist area of Tokyo, Shimokitazawa. Hopefully they improve.
Music ONLINEお店のかた、美形。 (Translated by Google) The staff at the shop are beautiful.お店のかた、美形。
(Translated by Google)
The staff at the shop are beautiful. -
染谷慎子ちゃんと予約して伺ったのですが、席が用意されてなく、空くまで待って下さいと言われました。 ちゃんとしたお詫びもなく、30分ほど待たされました。 (Translated by Google) I made a reservation, but there...ちゃんと予約して伺ったのですが、席が用意されてなく、空くまで待って下さいと言われました。
(Translated by Google)
I made a reservation, but there were no seats available and I was asked to wait until one became available.
I was kept waiting for about 30 minutes without a proper apology. -
S Iナチョスがおすすめ! (Translated by Google) Recommended nachos!ナチョスがおすすめ!
(Translated by Google)
Recommended nachos! -
ちゃるこ土曜日の夜、予約して伺いました。コースとかではなく席のみの予約です。 店先の半分テラス席のような席(喫煙席)でしたが、ストーブとビニールカーテンがあったので気温が低くても暖かく過ごせました。むしろ...土曜日の夜、予約して伺いました。コースとかではなく席のみの予約です。
(Translated by Google)
I made a reservation and visited on a Saturday night. It is a reservation for only the seat, not the course.
Half of the seats in front of the store were like terrace seats (smoking seats), but there was a stove and vinyl curtains so we were able to stay warm even though the temperature was low. Rather, it felt like a semi-private room, so it was comfortable lol
The staff are kind and will give you detailed information about recommended menus and drinks.
Although the food was voluminous, it was reasonably priced, and even if I ordered everything in the picture, the bill was split between 4 people and it ended up being less than 5,000 yen per person (I think it was also because I didn't drink that much...!)
I was also impressed by how quickly the food came out.
Overall I was very satisfied and would definitely like to visit again. Recommended! -
Lukas Okadaすごく美味しかった!ぜひまた行きたいです👍 ボリュームもすごくて大満足😋肉三種盛りがおすすめ! (Translated by Google) It was so delicious! I would love to go again 👍 The volume is huge and I'm very s...すごく美味しかった!ぜひまた行きたいです👍
(Translated by Google)
It was so delicious! I would love to go again 👍
The volume is huge and I'm very satisfied 😋 I recommend the three types of meat! -
RECORD SHOP BOYSメガネ先輩 안경선배 (Translated by Google) glasses senior Sorry to bother youメガネ先輩
(Translated by Google)
glasses senior
Sorry to bother you -
Ibuki Adhikari
nya nyaお肉が食べたい時に行きます。 ハツのタタキは本当に美味です。 パテドカンパーニュも大きくて満足です。 コスパ高いお店です。 もうちょっとゆったりできる席だったら更にいいと思います。 (Translated by Goog...お肉が食べたい時に行きます。
(Translated by Google)
I go here when I want to eat meat.
The seared hearts are really delicious.
The pate de campagne is also large and satisfying.
It's a store with high cost performance.
I think it would be even better if the seats were a little more comfortable. -
御剣蛇友人と2人で行きました 飲み放題付きのコースを予約 コース料理はどれも本当に美味しくて、ボリュームもあって、お腹いっぱいになりました テラス席だったのですが、飲み放題の注文や提供もスムーズにしていただ...友人と2人で行きました
(Translated by Google)
I went with two friends
Reserve a course with all-you-can-drink
All of the course meals were really delicious, voluminous, and filled me up.
I was seated on the terrace, but I was happy that the all-you-can-drink ordering and serving went smoothly.
I will go again! -
moriyamoriri肉の種類も多く、おいしい。特にハツは最高。 ワイン瓶サイズのクラフトビールもポイント。 (Translated by Google) There are many types of meat and they are delicious. Especially the heart is the best. ...肉の種類も多く、おいしい。特にハツは最高。
(Translated by Google)
There are many types of meat and they are delicious. Especially the heart is the best.
Craft beer the size of a wine bottle is also a highlight. -
chiharu masuike
Juan José Silveira
hikari mukouda
カクカアン(reiser)常連になるくらいの美味さ。 (Translated by Google) It's delicious enough to become a regular.常連になるくらいの美味さ。
(Translated by Google)
It's delicious enough to become a regular. -
臺北市區公所非常好吃的料理 肉的烹飪非常神 美味しゅう! (Translated by Google) Very delicious food Meat cooking is amazing Delicious!非常好吃的料理
美味しゅう! (Translated by Google) Very delicious food
Meat cooking is amazing
藤原お肉が食べたかったので、ブッチャーズさんに訪問しようと決めて下北沢に行きました。時間がわからなかったので予約していかなかったのですが、なんとか入ることができました。(店内は満席でした) お肉はいろん...お肉が食べたかったので、ブッチャーズさんに訪問しようと決めて下北沢に行きました。時間がわからなかったので予約していかなかったのですが、なんとか入ることができました。(店内は満席でした)
(Translated by Google)
I wanted to eat meat, so I decided to visit Butcher's and went to Shimokitazawa. I didn't make a reservation because I didn't know the time, but I managed to get in. (The store was full)
I was very satisfied because I was able to eat various parts of the meat. The mushroom omelet was more filling than I expected, but it was very delicious and went perfectly with the wine.
It was basically a heavy meal, so I felt extremely full. I would like to visit again when I want to eat meat. -
ME MEリーズナブルで美味しい安心して使えるお店です。 お肉の盛り合わせとワインの相性抜群。 ボトルも安いものだと2000円切っており頼みやすい! (Translated by Google) This is a restaurant that is reasonably ...リーズナブルで美味しい安心して使えるお店です。
(Translated by Google)
This is a restaurant that is reasonably priced, delicious, and safe to use.
The combination of meat platter and wine is perfect.
Cheap bottles cost less than 2,000 yen, making them easy to order! -
MOE TEJIMAお肉が食べたいと思い友人の勧めで行きました。お肉はとても美味しく、普段は飲まないワインも美味しくいただくことが出来ました。ありがとうございました! (Translated by Google) I wanted to eat meat, so I...お肉が食べたいと思い友人の勧めで行きました。お肉はとても美味しく、普段は飲まないワインも美味しくいただくことが出来ました。ありがとうございました!
(Translated by Google)
I wanted to eat meat, so I went there on the recommendation of a friend. The meat was very delicious and I was able to enjoy the wine, which I don't usually drink. thank you very much! -
Takaki NakakukiGood food, good staff😋you must visit this place when you are in Tokyo!Good food, good staff😋you must visit this place when you are in Tokyo!
Tomoaki Miyayama
k P生カールスバーグと美味しいお肉料理。 サイドメニューも美味しいです。 (Translated by Google) Raw Carlsberg and delicious meat dishes. The side menus are also delicious.生カールスバーグと美味しいお肉料理。
(Translated by Google)
Raw Carlsberg and delicious meat dishes.
The side menus are also delicious. -
K Y夜に利用。ワンフード、ワンドリンク制。ボロネーゼ1070円と、牛レバーユッケ850円をいただいた。パスタは少し平麺のタイプ。せたペイでお得にいただいた (Translated by Google) Used at night. One food, one ...夜に利用。ワンフード、ワンドリンク制。ボロネーゼ1070円と、牛レバーユッケ850円をいただいた。パスタは少し平麺のタイプ。せたペイでお得にいただいた
(Translated by Google)
Used at night. One food, one drink system. I received the bolognese for 1,070 yen and the beef liver yukke for 850 yen. The pasta is a bit of a flat noodle type. I got a great deal with Seta Pay. -
松本唯家族が皆好きでよくテイクアウトしてますがいつも美味しく頂いてます。特に五種盛りはオススメですが他も想像以上に美味しいですよ。お店の雰囲気も良いので是非足を運んでほしいです。 (Translated by Google) ...家族が皆好きでよくテイクアウトしてますがいつも美味しく頂いてます。特に五種盛りはオススメですが他も想像以上に美味しいですよ。お店の雰囲気も良いので是非足を運んでほしいです。
(Translated by Google)
My whole family loves it and we often take out it, and it's always delicious. I especially recommend the five-kind platter, but the other dishes are even more delicious than I imagined. The atmosphere of the shop is also good, so please come and visit us. -
monデリバリーで「贅沢グリル5種類盛り合わせ」(3980円)を注文。鶏モモ肉、豚肩ロース、アンガス牛、ラムチョップ、熟成ベーコンの盛り合わせという内容であるが、デリバリーで届けられた内容がひどい。 小さな容...デリバリーで「贅沢グリル5種類盛り合わせ」(3980円)を注文。鶏モモ肉、豚肩ロース、アンガス牛、ラムチョップ、熟成ベーコンの盛り合わせという内容であるが、デリバリーで届けられた内容がひどい。
(Translated by Google)
I ordered the "Luxury Grill 5 Types Assortment" (3,980 yen) for delivery. The content was an assortment of chicken thighs, pork shoulder loin, Angus beef, lamb chops, and aged bacon, but the delivery was terrible.
Five types of meat were crammed into a small container, and it wasn't very appetizing. The sauces for each meat were generally mixed together, and the accompanying potatoes were soaked in gravy and sauce and were not edible. (The amount of meat appears to be about half of the portion in the photo)
I can understand that the menu photo is for in-store delivery, but the way the delivery is packed is so bad that it looks like it's being made fun of. Maybe I was stingy with the container, but the lamb chops were cut off the bone.
It would have looked different if they had used larger containers or packed each type of meat in containers, but this is very disappointing. -
regna kお料理もお酒もとっても美味しかったです お店の雰囲気もよく、接客も最高で、ステキなディナーになりました また、行きますので、よろしくお願いします♬ (Translated by Google) The food and drinks were ve...お料理もお酒もとっても美味しかったです お店の雰囲気もよく、接客も最高で、ステキなディナーになりました また、行きますので、よろしくお願いします♬
(Translated by Google)
The food and drinks were very delicious.The restaurant had a great atmosphere and the customer service was great.It was a wonderful dinner.I will be going again, so please come again♬ -
Bochan Kim
ro hi下北沢でイタリアンを探していて お肉の気分だったのでお邪魔しました! メニューはすごく多いわけではないのですが、どれも美味しくリーズナブルで、提供時間も話をしていたら感じないくらいには早かったです! ...下北沢でイタリアンを探していて
(Translated by Google)
Looking for Italian restaurant in Shimokitazawa
I was in the mood for meat so I stopped by!
The menu isn't huge, but everything is delicious and reasonably priced, and the serving time was so fast that I didn't realize it when we were talking!
My personal favorite was the beef and chicken salad! -
山田心門ランチをいただきました。 何度か来ていますがジューシーなお肉をガッツリ食べれるプレートは食べ応え最高! 単品料理もいくつかいただきましたがまた着たくなる味!お酒が飲めない私でも一杯やりたくなります...ランチをいただきました。
(Translated by Google)
We had lunch.
I've been here several times, and the plate where you can eat a lot of juicy meat is the best!
I had a few individual dishes, but the taste made me want to eat them again! Even though I don't drink alcohol, I want to have a drink.
Another nice point is that you get free refills of rice. -
Masa Take
渡邊拓弥お肉も美味しく、ワインも豊富 (Translated by Google) The meat is delicious and the wine is plentiful.お肉も美味しく、ワインも豊富
(Translated by Google)
The meat is delicious and the wine is plentiful. -
刃口呑龍久しぶりに行ったが、やはり美味しい。特に肉料理。 (Translated by Google) It's been a while since I last went, but it was still delicious. Especially meat dishes.久しぶりに行ったが、やはり美味しい。特に肉料理。
(Translated by Google)
It's been a while since I last went, but it was still delicious. Especially meat dishes. -
こわれもの注意近くに滞在した際にデリバリーで購入しました。 アンガス牛のステーキ丼が大変美味しく、いつかお店にも行ってみたいと思っています。 お近くの方はぜひデリバリーで利用してみてはいかがでしょうか。 (Transla...近くに滞在した際にデリバリーで購入しました。
(Translated by Google)
I bought it by delivery when I was staying nearby.
The Angus beef steak bowl is very delicious and I would like to visit their restaurant someday.
If you're in the area, why not try delivery? -
tnori若鶏のタンドリーチキン ライス大盛 美味しそうなランチメニューを見かけたので、ふらっと入店 肉メインの居酒屋さん、2階のカレー屋さんと間違える方が多いのかもしれませんね 作り置きでない出来立てのタンド...若鶏のタンドリーチキン ライス大盛
(Translated by Google)
Young tandoori chicken with rice
I saw a lunch menu that looked delicious, so I popped in.
Many people may mistake this for the meat-based izakaya and the curry shop on the second floor.
Freshly made tandoori chicken, not pre-made, was delicious.
There seemed to be a little ingenuity, and I liked the sincerity.
I would like to try other menu items as well. -
渡邉兼久味も良く、リーゾナブルですが、兎に角、店長さんの対応が素晴らしく、安心出来るお店です🎵 (Translated by Google) The taste is good and the food is reasonable, but the manager's service is excellent an...味も良く、リーゾナブルですが、兎に角、店長さんの対応が素晴らしく、安心出来るお店です🎵
(Translated by Google)
The taste is good and the food is reasonable, but the manager's service is excellent and you can feel at ease at this store🎵 -
アロイお肉がおいしいお店ですが、パスタも生麺で美味しかったです。外でタバコが吸えます。 (Translated by Google) It's a restaurant where the meat is delicious, but the pasta was also delicious with raw noo...お肉がおいしいお店ですが、パスタも生麺で美味しかったです。外でタバコが吸えます。
(Translated by Google)
It's a restaurant where the meat is delicious, but the pasta was also delicious with raw noodles. You can smoke outside. -
Naoki Ito
Buzz内容は3人で満足でした。 (Translated by Google) All three of us were satisfied with the content.内容は3人で満足でした。
(Translated by Google)
All three of us were satisfied with the content. -
tyk -s肉うまい! (Translated by Google) Meat is delicious!肉うまい!
(Translated by Google)
Meat is delicious! -
e studio
Abraham Kaligambe
shun koma肉の塊を食らう。 (Translated by Google) Eat chunks of meat.肉の塊を食らう。
(Translated by Google)
Eat chunks of meat. -
岡野ななお店の雰囲気と、お酒が美味しかったぁ (Translated by Google) The atmosphere of the restaurant and the drinks were delicious.お店の雰囲気と、お酒が美味しかったぁ
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere of the restaurant and the drinks were delicious. -
m n
ゆかことてもお洒落な味。ワインにぴったりのお料理が沢山あります。お肉最高。 (Translated by Google) A very stylish taste. There are many dishes that go well with wine. The meat is the best.とてもお洒落な味。ワインにぴったりのお料理が沢山あります。お肉最高。
(Translated by Google)
A very stylish taste. There are many dishes that go well with wine. The meat is the best. -
S I牛豚鳥意外にも猪や鹿など珍しい食材も楽しめどれも美味。また改めて来てみたいと思いました。 (Translated by Google) You can also enjoy rare ingredients such as beef, pork, chicken, wild boar, and deer...牛豚鳥意外にも猪や鹿など珍しい食材も楽しめどれも美味。また改めて来てみたいと思いました。
(Translated by Google)
You can also enjoy rare ingredients such as beef, pork, chicken, wild boar, and deer, all of which are delicious. I would like to come again. -
K K2件目で訪問。3種盛り+ラムチョップ🥩 どれも柔らかくて美味しかった~特にラムチョップ絶品です✨ (Translated by Google) Visited for the second time. Assortment of 3 types + lamb chops🥩 Everything was s...2件目で訪問。3種盛り+ラムチョップ🥩
(Translated by Google)
Visited for the second time. Assortment of 3 types + lamb chops🥩
Everything was soft and delicious ~ especially the lamb chops ✨ -
Mr. Japanお肉が美味しいお店です。ずっと行きたかった。行って良かったです。大満足。 (Translated by Google) This is a restaurant with delicious meat. I've always wanted to go. I'm glad I went. Very satisfied.お肉が美味しいお店です。ずっと行きたかった。行って良かったです。大満足。
(Translated by Google)
This is a restaurant with delicious meat. I've always wanted to go. I'm glad I went. Very satisfied. -
ヒデアキ神田のお店をイメージして行きました。残念。肉BAL?評価4.0意味わからん😵🌀 (Translated by Google) I went there with the image of a store in Kanda. disappointing. Meat BAL? Rating 4.0 I don't understan...神田のお店をイメージして行きました。残念。肉BAL?評価4.0意味わからん😵🌀
(Translated by Google)
I went there with the image of a store in Kanda. disappointing. Meat BAL? Rating 4.0 I don't understand 😵🌀 -
山口要下北沢、いや、東京で美味い肉を食べるならここ!と言えます。ワインも沢山あります。 (Translated by Google) If you want to eat delicious meat in Shimokitazawa, or even Tokyo, this is the place! I can ...下北沢、いや、東京で美味い肉を食べるならここ!と言えます。ワインも沢山あります。
(Translated by Google)
If you want to eat delicious meat in Shimokitazawa, or even Tokyo, this is the place! I can say that. We also have a lot of wine. -
北原寛之下北沢では恐らく一番コスパの良い肉バル。 最近行ってないなと思い、久しぶりに来店しました。 クオリティ自体は相変わらず、美味しい肉料理を手軽に楽しめましたが、メニュー変更したのか商品点数が少なくなっ...下北沢では恐らく一番コスパの良い肉バル。
(Translated by Google)
Probably the most cost-effective meat bar in Shimokitazawa.
I thought I hadn't been there recently, so I came here for the first time in a while.
The quality remained the same, and I was able to easily enjoy delicious meat dishes, but I feel like the number of items has decreased, perhaps because the menu has changed.
I think the number of appetizers has decreased.
Still, it's a store you can't miss in Shimokita.
Recommended if you want to eat meat easily. -
gimi narco (narco)
rui itoh
Lana Keilaniお酒もお肉も美味しかった。 接客もお水をすぐに注いでくれたのが良かった。 (Translated by Google) Both the alcohol and the meat were delicious. It was nice that the customer service poured water righ...お酒もお肉も美味しかった。
(Translated by Google)
Both the alcohol and the meat were delicious.
It was nice that the customer service poured water right away. -
山口要リーズナブルで肉とワインが素晴らしいです! (Translated by Google) Reasonably priced and great meat and wine!リーズナブルで肉とワインが素晴らしいです!
(Translated by Google)
Reasonably priced and great meat and wine! -
Hideki Ikeda
takayosi suzuki
アーロン同僚と利用しました。 ブッチャーズバルなので肉も新鮮でおいしいです。赤肉もおいしくワインと合うのでお勧めです。 (Translated by Google) I used it with a colleague. Since it's Butcher's Bar, the meat ...同僚と利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it with a colleague.
Since it's Butcher's Bar, the meat is fresh and delicious. Red meat is also delicious and goes well with wine, so we recommend it. -
廉おいしい。 店員の方のテキパキ感も良い (Translated by Google) delicious. The staff's efficiency is also good.おいしい。
(Translated by Google)
The staff's efficiency is also good. -
Shinji UedaLサイズ 3490円、180gx3の盛り合わせ旨し (Translated by Google) L size 3490 yen, 180gx3 assorted deliciousnessLサイズ 3490円、180gx3の盛り合わせ旨し
(Translated by Google)
L size 3490 yen, 180gx3 assorted deliciousness -
藤田大裕盛り合わせはお得です🎵 (Translated by Google) The assortment is a good deal 🎵盛り合わせはお得です🎵
(Translated by Google)
The assortment is a good deal 🎵 -
kondo ayaばるばる下北沢というイベントで利用しましたが、男性店員の態度が悪すぎてものすごく不快。そんなに気に入らないならなんでイベント参加したのか不思議です。 開店してほどなく行ったのに「満席です」というだけ...ばるばる下北沢というイベントで利用しましたが、男性店員の態度が悪すぎてものすごく不快。そんなに気に入らないならなんでイベント参加したのか不思議です。
(Translated by Google)
I went all the way to Shimokitazawa for an event, and the male clerk's attitude was so bad that I was extremely uncomfortable. I wonder why you attended the event if you didn't like it that much.
I went there shortly after it opened, but they just told me "it's full" (actually, there were quite a few seats) and turned me away in an arrogant manner.
There was no asking me where to wait or I was sorry. I had no choice but to wait outside, but the waiter didn't check to see if there was anyone else waiting outside even after the customers had finished eating, so I was in a hurry because I was about to be passed by a customer who came after me. When I went inside and asked, ``Are you free?'', she seemed troubled and replied, ``I'm cleaning up.''
I had to wait a long time, and after I finished ordering, I said, ``I'll be seated for 30 minutes.'' Isn't that something you have to say before entering? There was no mention of this in the event pamphlet or website, and since it was a bar hopping event, I went to other shops, but even though they were busy, none of them were this bad.
There are many other shops in Shimokitazawa, so there is no point in going here.
There were some other worst points, but there was no end to it (lol). Even though the event was meant to liven up Shimokitazawa, this store gave me a bad impression. -
wam i
ayana nakajo
佐藤お肉が美味しいバル。気軽に呑んで食べたい時にぴったりです。 (Translated by Google) A bar with delicious meat. It's perfect when you want to casually drink and eat.お肉が美味しいバル。気軽に呑んで食べたい時にぴったりです。
(Translated by Google)
A bar with delicious meat. It's perfect when you want to casually drink and eat. -
admin quaras
roうまい😋 ワインの種類も豊富です💕 2024.11再訪 先輩に連れられて昔は良く通った下北沢に行ってきました。駅前は以前とは全く様変わりしてびっくりしました。。 そんな駅前から少し離れた場所にあるブッチャー...うまい😋 ワインの種類も豊富です💕
(Translated by Google)
Delicious 😋 There are many types of wine 💕
2024.11 revisited
My senior took me to Shimokitazawa, where I used to go often. I was surprised to see that the area in front of the station was completely different from before. .
Butcher's Bar is located a little far from the station.
This time I recommended the venison carpaccio and skewers for the first time in my life.
I thought it would be more animal-like, but it wasn't at all and was very delicious!
I was also soothed by the hospitality of the staff.
Next time I would like to order a course meal.
Thank you for the meal. -
Misao Oki
Matsumoto Hiroakiランチを家族で頂きました。安くて美味しい!ブッチャーズ・ミートソースがお薦めです。 (Translated by Google) I had lunch with my family. Cheap and delicious! Butcher's meat sauce is recommended.ランチを家族で頂きました。安くて美味しい!ブッチャーズ・ミートソースがお薦めです。
(Translated by Google)
I had lunch with my family. Cheap and delicious! Butcher's meat sauce is recommended. -
sunchang (sunchang)いろいろな肉を比較的お手頃に美味しくいただけます。 店員さんも親切で、お店の雰囲気もいいです。 ワインの種類も多いです。 (Translated by Google) You can enjoy a variety of delicious meats at relative...いろいろな肉を比較的お手頃に美味しくいただけます。
(Translated by Google)
You can enjoy a variety of delicious meats at relatively affordable prices.
The staff are kind and the store has a nice atmosphere.
There are many types of wine. -
TeFu TeFu
Shinnosuke Oya
masami arima
暁神時思っていたよりもボリューミーで驚いた! 3杯飲んで適当につまんでパスタ頼んで1人4000円くらいでした♪ (Translated by Google) I was surprised that it was more voluminous than I expected! I drank 3 cups...思っていたよりもボリューミーで驚いた!
(Translated by Google)
I was surprised that it was more voluminous than I expected!
I drank 3 cups, grabbed some snacks, and ordered some pasta, and it was about 4,000 yen per person. -
yuko2軒目でたまに利用します (Translated by Google) This is my second home and I use it occasionally.2軒目でたまに利用します
(Translated by Google)
This is my second home and I use it occasionally. -
tokoランチに行ってきました! 豚も食べたいし牛肉も食べたし迷っていたらどちらも食べませんか?と提案してもらいました。大大大満足! お米も美味しくて一粒残さず食べちゃいました。 お肉で満腹。美味しくて満足の...ランチに行ってきました!
(Translated by Google)
I went for lunch!
I want to eat pork and I want to eat beef, but if you can't decide, why not eat both? I was given a suggestion. Very satisfied!
The rice was so delicious that I ate every grain of it.
Satisfied with meat. It was a delicious and satisfying lunch! -
マリンキッカー1お肉、ワインと揃っています! じゃんじゃん飲むとお店の雰囲気で感じるのより高めになってしまうことも… (Translated by Google) Comes with meat and wine! If you drink a lot, the price may end up being m...お肉、ワインと揃っています!
(Translated by Google)
Comes with meat and wine!
If you drink a lot, the price may end up being more expensive than you think from the atmosphere of the restaurant... -
42 Biacco
Masahiro Tokuno
KS Nahうーん。 (Translated by Google) Hmm.うーん。
(Translated by Google)
Hmm. -
松本昭彦お肉は美味しかったけど、少し固かった印象です。 また、ナイフの切れ味が悪かったのが残念でした。 店員さんは感じがよくていいお店だと思います。 (Translated by Google) The meat was delicious, but I felt...お肉は美味しかったけど、少し固かった印象です。
(Translated by Google)
The meat was delicious, but I felt it was a little tough.
Also, I was disappointed that the knife was not sharp.
I think the store staff is nice and it's a nice store. -
A. T.赤身なお肉が美味しかった😊 (Translated by Google) The red meat was delicious😊赤身なお肉が美味しかった😊
(Translated by Google)
The red meat was delicious😊 -
k y
MSNR KNDコスパ良し。味付けも好み! (Translated by Google) Good cost performance. I like the seasoning too!コスパ良し。味付けも好み!
(Translated by Google)
Good cost performance. I like the seasoning too! -
T T肉料理が非常に美味しいが、やや高め。 (Translated by Google) The meat dishes are very delicious, but a little expensive.肉料理が非常に美味しいが、やや高め。
(Translated by Google)
The meat dishes are very delicious, but a little expensive. -
Nanafu I地図の位置が違う… お店は狭いが、ソースに工夫が有り美味しい〜ワインの品揃え良い (Translated by Google) The location on the map is different... The shop is small, but the sauces are creative and del...地図の位置が違う…
(Translated by Google)
The location on the map is different...
The shop is small, but the sauces are creative and delicious ~ Good selection of wines -
Nakaba Hayamaいっぱい食べたのにリーズナブルで美味しかった。 (Translated by Google) Even though I ate a lot, it was reasonably priced and delicious.いっぱい食べたのにリーズナブルで美味しかった。
(Translated by Google)
Even though I ate a lot, it was reasonably priced and delicious.